Freelance Reflections #130

Last weekend I made the most of the free time before everything got busy again, celebrating Eid, seeing course mates, friends, and family. Things are gradually getting back into a routine now, but this week started with two weeks of the experiential group at uni. This consists of being in a room of twelve, art-making and reflecting on the experience together.

experiential group

I also had work on the Monday, and helped to collect a second-hand desk for my partner and did chores the next day. I had placement again on Wednesday and Thursday, and went out for a meal with old uni pals in between, having a

lovely Jambalaya, complete with dry ice.

Afrikana Dalstan

Today I’ve been tutoring and arranged a new student, so things are getting super busy with back to back lessons on Fridays. I had a cancellation and tried to do a reflective artwork for placement that might go in a newsletter, but I ended up frustrated and dissatisfied, so I’m torn between trying again, or focussing on my essays!

NHS street art

Watching: Baby Reindeer, The Simpsons

Reading: What Do You See? by Mala Gitlin Betensky, Playing & Reality by W.D. Winnicott, and Bi-lines anthology

Podcasts: Therapists Uncensored

Music: Kate Nash, Hard Rock Metal Mix

Again, if you’re able to share or donate to my crowdfund as I train to become an Art Psychotherapist, or buy some books, please do!

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