













Kid Glove

Carmina was a member of the Roundhouse Poetry Collective from 2013-14, lead by Bohdan Piasecki. Performances include Sunday Circus at Proud, The Last Word Festival at the Roundhouse, Camp Bestival, Bestival and Feminism in London. Kid Glove are currently working on a show about adventure, which will take place at the Roundhouse on Sunday 

31st May at 1.30pm as part of the Scratch Sessions.

Burn After Reading

Burn After Reading (aka BAR or BARPo) is a community of young and emerging poets and writers founded and supported by Jacob Sam-La Rose and Jasmine Cooray in London, which has since spread to Singapore under the patronage of Pooja Nansi.

Podium Poets

After being long-listed for 2013’s Young Poet Laureate for London, Carmina was published in Podium Poets #1, representing the first group of poets who competed for this award along with Nik Way, Sophie Fenella, Deanna Roger, Dizz Tate and Mary Akin. Published by Nasty Little Press, in partnership with Spread the Word.