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Carmina Masoliver is a writer from south London. She has been sharing her writing on the page and stage since 2006, with features across the UK at festivals such as Latitude, Bestival, and Lovebox, and events such as Bang Said the Gun.

Her work has been published in print and online. In 2014, her poetry chapbook was published by Nasty Little Press. She holds a BA in English Literature and an MA in Creative Entrepreneurship, both from the University of East Anglia. She has shared work in academic contexts, such as The Place for Poetry at Goldsmiths, and a discussion about FGM at The Wellcome Collection. She has also facilitated workshops independently and alongside Ross Sutherland, Michael Rosen and Niall O’Sullivan.

She also teaches English as a foreign language. Teaching abroad meant she was able to share her work in Singapore, and in Spain, where she was involved in an international event called Grito de Mujer, and subsequently published in the anthology Muñecas: Antologia Internacional Contra el Abuso Infantil, 2017, her work being translated into Spanish.

Carmina is the founder of She Grrrowls – a night featuring women and non-binary people in the arts. In 2017, Burning Eye Books published an anthology of ten poets commissioned by Carmina, with thanks to funding from Ideas Tap. She is a member of the Burn After Reading community and is in a collective of poets called Kid Glove, born out of the Roundhouse programme and creators of ‘Dear Adventure’, performed as resident artists at the Roundhouse as part of the Last Word Festival.

Carmina was long-listed for the Young Poet Laureate for London award in 2013 and was also the winner of that year’s Poetry Rivals competition. She is currently aiming to focus on writing a spoken word show, the idea of which was Highly Commended in the running for an Ideas Tap Sky Arts Scholarship in 2015. Most recently, she was longlisted for the inaugural Jerwood Compton Poetry Fellowships in 2017.